Yeo Eng Koon (S) Pte Ltd

Kitchen Equipment

One Stop Solution Kitchen Equipment
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WINTERHALTER Rack Conveyor Dishwasher C50

WINTERHALTER Rack Conveyor Dishwasher C50
The warewashing system was developed for maximum performance and is designed for maximum speeds. With compact dimensions and modules that can be combined individually. For first-class wash results while requiring little space.

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Models available: C50 SINGLE RINSE rack conveyor dishwasher, C50 SINGLE RINSE rack conveyor dishwasher with drying zone, C50 SINGLE RINSE rack conveyor dishwasher with drying zone, C50 DUAL RINSE rack conveyor dishwasher with pre-cleaning zone


✓ Three different washing speeds
✓ Maximum flexibility
✓ Hygiene safety 
✓ User-friendly

 View more here: C50 brochure.