Yeo Eng Koon (S) Pte Ltd


Commercial Kitchen Equipment Grants 2022

Posted :01/07/2022

You probably already know that starting a F&B business in Singapore is costly. Thankfully, there are government grants that we can leverage on to minimise the cost and make this a little easier for us to bear!

As announced during Budget 2022, the enhanced level of grant support for the Food Service sector has been extended till 31 March 2023.

You can now claim up to 80% grant support for eligible commercial kitchen equipment under the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) and the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG).

Productivity Solutions Grant

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for the Food Service sector supports companies that are interested in adopting kitchen equipment to enhance their business processes.

Eligible kitchen equipment under PSG include:

  • Combi oven
  • Blast chiller/ freezer
  • Automated dishwasher
  • Automated noodle boiler
  • High speed oven
  • Vacuum machine
  • Planetary/ spiral mixer
  • Dough sheeter

Grant support: Up to 80% (capped at S$30,000 per financial year)

[  Click here to find out more about PSG  ]

Enterprise Development Grant

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) supports the growth and transformation needs of companies. This includes projects which companies look into tapping on automation and technologies to make routine tasks more efficient and sustainable. 

Eligible projects under EDG (3 pillars):

  • Core capabilities
  • Innovation and productivity
  • Market access

Projects under the Innovation and Productivity pillar are more applicable for F&B businesses. These include projects in which you can explore new areas of growth, or enhance your kitchen's operation efficiency. You can do so via automation, process redesign, or product development. 

Grant support: Up to 80% (cap on funding varies based on project)

[  Click here to find out more about EDG  ]

Chat with us today!

Schedule a complimentary consultation (no obligations) with us today to find out how we can assist you! Fill in the enquiry form here, call us at 62887054 or drop us an email at with your commercial kitchen needs.


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